Step 1: Horizon Line Draw a straight line across your paper. This is your horizon line, where the sky meets the ground.
Step 2: Vanishing Point Choose a spot on the horizon line and mark it as your vanishing point. This is where all the lines will appear to converge.
Step 3: Front of the Box Draw a square or rectangle below your Horizon Line. This will be the front of your box.
Step 4: Connect to Vanishing Point From the corners of your front shape, draw lines extending towards the vanishing point. These are the lines that create the illusion of depth. Tip: If you do not want your box to be see-through then the lines that you draw through the bottom corners will pass through your box. Draw them lightly so you can erase them easier later on.
Step 5: Top of the Box From the top corners of your front shape, draw lines parallel to the bottom of the box. These lines connect to the vanishing point and form the top of your box.
Step 6: Back of the Box - If you want your box to be see-through. Connect the ends of the lines you drew in steps 4 and 5 to create the back of the box. Your box is now complete.
Step 8: Add Details You can add more boxes, windows, doors, or any other details you like to your scene. Just remember to use the same vanishing point for all the lines.
Step 9: Erase Guidelines Carefully erase any unnecessary lines, like the guidelines you used to create the box.